
To create opportunities for rural communities to empower themselves by realizing their fullest potential and evolve into contributing members of society from being mere consumers.


To reach out to the rural, disadvantaged communities with affordable and accessible education.

To impart technical skills on a par with any leading institute in the country so as to bridge the gap between the urban and the rustic learners.

To inculcate in young minds education tempered with sensibility for social commitment and cultural values.

To integrate education with sustainable community development activities with a focus on the village of Manjakkudi and its neighbourhood.


=> To provide road map for Higher Education facility to rural, economically and socially weaker sections of the society.
=> To impart social values through co-curricular activities.
=> To provide ICT enabled sophisticated facilities for effective teaching learning.
=> To provide reflexive method to encourage problem solving skills of the learners.
=> To orient the development of students towards employment.
=> To provide value based Higher Education.
=> To enable our students to understand our rich cultural heritage and customs.
=> To mould the students in such a way to take care of societal values there by good citizen.
=> To inculcate and instigate positive attitude for nurturing leadership qualities to serve the human society and to gain wisdom.

Our Motto - Educating the Future Rooted in Tradition