Message from the Honorable Correspondent
Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati was instrumental in guiding us towards the establishment of a premier Arts and Science college that provided quality education to a student from rural India in close vicinity to the place of residence.
In keeping with the vision laid out by our Founder, the Swami Dayananda College of Arts & Science, Manjakkudi, Tamil Nadu, is a blend of the old and now. The curriculum is combined with traditional knowledge in a modern setting.
Since the beginning (2001), the college has focused on all round development of the students, providing avenues for creativity and harnessing of scientific temper. Many of our students are from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
It is here that a proper educational environment and centre of learning makes all the difference. I am extremely happy and proud to share that over the last few years; many of our students have found employment in reputable organizations across the country. This has been made possible due to the commitment of the college staff, corporate donors and other well wishers.
It has also inspired us to deepen our educational service, through constant infrastructure improvement, skill development and soft skill training.
The need of the hour is to create valuable manpower for the future embedded with the right cultural and moral values. This will go a long way in the nation building process.
My blessings to all.
Sri. M.G. Srinivasan
Swami Dayananda College of Arts & Science
Swami Dayananda Educational Trust