Red Ribbon Club

CO-ORDINATORMr. A. NARAYANAN M.Sc., M.Phil.,ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, Swami Dayananda College of Arts & Science, Manjakkudi - 612610 |
The Red Ribbon Club (RRC) aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support and Treatment. It also aims in building their capacities as peer education in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment. RRC are envisaged to instill among all the students in the educational institution values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy by promotion of regular voluntary blood donation.Since its inception in 2008, the RED RIBBON CLUB (RRC) Unit of Swami Dayananda College of Arts & Science has carried out wide range of activities and training programmes - Blood Donations, Awareness programmes on Environment preservation, HIV/AIDS, Drug abuse. The Red Ribbon Club in the institution enrolls 50 new students every year.
To create Awareness about “The Life Threatening Disease AIDS to form an AIDS Free Society”.Vision
Red Ribbon club are envisaged to instill among all the students in the educational institutions values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase regular voluntary blood donation access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy.Mission
To control and eradicate the spread of HIV/AIDS disease.OBJECTIVES
1. The club conducts the regular activities to encourage Voluntary Blood donation, Blood Group Testing and increase Awareness on AIDS and its related issues.2. The club observed World AIDS Day - December 01 for every year.
3. To instill skills into youths to live better and healthy life.
4. The club organized AIDS awareness programme on “Growth and development self esteem & AIDS awareness”, “AIDS Free Society”, “Role of youth in prevention and awareness on AIDS and Save girl child” to getting attention among the students.
5. The club imparting 3 to 5 hour sessions on the curriculum “Celebrating Life” and also interactions with positive peoples, ICPC Counselor, Blood Bank Medical Officers and Peer leaders conventions.